Thursday, April 18, 2013

About the blog

Firstly, this is the first blog that I have ever done. I am creating this blog as a class project and this blog will mainly talk about the impact of social media on today's world. In just a few short years social media has taken the world by storm. From personal friends to business and news; social media is now the best place for marketing and advertising. It also is now the way to meet new friends, start relationships, and vice versa. First and foremost when I say social media the first thing that pops in peoples heads is probably Facebook, or twitter, or even both. Yes those are social media websites but social media doesn't only include sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or Linkedin. But Games and Youtube are also part of social media. The evolution of social media has connected the world where as 50 years ago, social media was only localized around the neighborhood and in the city. Now keeping up with friends from your neighborhood and cities that you lived in has never been so easy. You can even meet someone from across the world by means of social media, I could be in the U.S. while the other can be in France, Italy, Germany etc. News travels faster because of social media, not only the official news that's displayed on the T.V. by CNN but even the little tiny news on who went to a certain party last night that you didn't go to. Even news about that embarrassing thing you did in class the other day. So what are the effects of social media onto our society? I mean everyone's on Facebook now, well nearly everyone. Can social media be the cause of relationship problems as well? Social media definitely can start relationships. Social media has changed our society, even though it hasn't felt like it.

Steven Johnson: Games

Johnson, S. J. (2005). Games. In S. Cohen (Ed.), 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology (Third ed., pp. 196-202). Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's. 

Gaming has taken the world's youth and even some adults are getting into it now. It has given many people something to do, something to pass the time with. Although has gaming dulled our reading skills? In the book 50 essays, one of the essays by Steven Johnson talks about how gaming has caused many to stop reading novels. Johnson quotes in his essay about games that: "The best that can be said of them is that they may help promote eye-hand coordination in children. The worst that can be said is that they sanction, and even promote aggression and violent responses to conflict. But what can be said with much greater certainty is this: most computer games are a colossal waste of time." (Johnson, 2005) Games truly are a waste of time, but that's what they're here for to waste time. Games in my own opinion are to pass the time, we have to take gaming in moderation so do we with everything else. Some games do promote violence, some don't. Of course this has a very negative effect on the children of today, trying to act out what they do in games. This is the reason for gaming shops and parents to take a look at the level of maturity and age needed in order to play some games. The essay is a good read, about how games have a negative effect on today's youth.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Addiction

This picture shows a lot about how our daily lives are spent mostly in front of a computer. 90% of the time we are probably on a social media website at least once per day or even worse all the time. The addiction of social media is not a laughing matter, there are those who are totally addicted to facebook that it distracts them from work, school and even family life. As a society we must learn how to have self control over how much social media we are suppose to use. There are addons and many other productivity programs that people use now in order to lock themselves out of any social media site. This goes to show how bad it has gotten to many, if one must lock his/herself out of a social media website then they know they've been using it too much. The video is a firefox addon called leechblock; one of the many programs people can use to block social media websites.

Social Networking: An Evolution in Communication Media

An absolutely amazing video of how social networking has evolved since the days where we wrote messages on paper to today where we tweet, post, share, like, and reply to posts from other friends, colleagues, family, and classmates. Social media is always evolving, humans finding faster ways to send messages and to find out what's happening around them. Although the video is to tell high schools to lift the ban on social media website, the research done on the evolution of social media was very well done.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Don't feed the Trolls.

Nisbet, A. (2013, February 6). Trolling: An age-old problem that's not getting better. Retrieved from

As the post I posted earlier links to a blog from another classmate about cyber bullying here is a similar post from the web,, about trolling. The post explain what is trolling and what is considered as trolling. Who are trolls and what do they do? It is an age old problem that's been going on forever. What exactly do trolls do? "Trolls aspire to violence, to the level of trouble they can cause in an environment. They want it to kick off. They want to promote antipathetic emotions of disgust and outrage, which morbidly gives them a sense of pleasure.” – Tom Postmes" (Nisbet, 2013) What does this sound similar to? Cyber bullying, it is a form of cyber bullying but at a scale in which it doesn't just target one person, but targets an entire forum. Trolls motivations vary from one user to another, but their objective is always the same: to emit a negative response from the community to those who oppose the user. Trolls want their comments to get flagged, trolls want people to get angry at them and get mad, in this way they win.

Television: The plug-in Drug by Marie Winn

Winn, M. W. (2002). Television: The plug-in drug. In S. Cohen (Ed.), 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology(third ed., pp. 438-447). Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's

"Television is going to be a real asset in every home where there are children." (Winn, 2002) This passage nearly explains everything from the recent years about how technology has progressed. Marie Winn's essay from 50 essays, Television: The Plug-in Drug, explains how the television is bringing families farther apart by having multiple electronic devices in different areas of the house. He states that when the television set first came out, there were photographs that illustrated the perfect family get together. Although now you have mom in one room, dad in another and the kids in different bedrooms all watching different shows. Winn goes on to talk about how the television has all but destroyed original family past times such as board games together. A while back the television set was the main form of familial entertainment where there used to be one T.V. in a house. With today's technology there's probably a computer in every room of the house where you can watch shows. This would cause the family to stay in separate rooms of the house instead of with each other. We have to take things in moderation when it comes to technology, especially now where technology is everywhere.

Careful what you share.

This small hilarious short film takes into account that you should be careful about what you share on a social media website before going into an interview. Apparently just like the title suggest the person being interviewed had shared too much on Linkedin.