Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Television: The plug-in Drug by Marie Winn

Winn, M. W. (2002). Television: The plug-in drug. In S. Cohen (Ed.), 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology(third ed., pp. 438-447). Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's

"Television is going to be a real asset in every home where there are children." (Winn, 2002) This passage nearly explains everything from the recent years about how technology has progressed. Marie Winn's essay from 50 essays, Television: The Plug-in Drug, explains how the television is bringing families farther apart by having multiple electronic devices in different areas of the house. He states that when the television set first came out, there were photographs that illustrated the perfect family get together. Although now you have mom in one room, dad in another and the kids in different bedrooms all watching different shows. Winn goes on to talk about how the television has all but destroyed original family past times such as board games together. A while back the television set was the main form of familial entertainment where there used to be one T.V. in a house. With today's technology there's probably a computer in every room of the house where you can watch shows. This would cause the family to stay in separate rooms of the house instead of with each other. We have to take things in moderation when it comes to technology, especially now where technology is everywhere.

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