Saturday, April 13, 2013

Looking for a date? Well log onto facebook and find one. Social Networking and Relationships

Morgan, M. (2013, March 27). Social media impacts real relationships. Retrieved from

For those looking for the romance, here's an article that everyone should read of they love the mushy stuff. Although it's not really the kind of love novel that many may be seeking but it gives a bit of insight on how social network sites such as twitter are giving a new era of relationships. Relationships back before social networking was available was more of a local and face to face sort of relationship. Now you can be anywhere in the world and be able to find someone that's not from your local area. For example: one couple can be in Seattle the other can be New York. "Out of 50 couples married in the U.S. in 2011, at least one met through a social networking site, according to The Wedding Report." (Morgan, 2013) The article also talks about the dangers of anonymous intimacy online; of course with all good things there is a darker side. Anyone can post anything, on any site, anytime online; this means that it could be falsified if not careful. Online relationships is a double edge sword, the good part is that it connects you to nearly everyone in the world so you have a bigger view of things. The bad part is, what they post is not what they truly mean. The link above is a good read to see how our society's new way of dating has been shaped by social networking.

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