Saturday, April 13, 2013

Social Media, Gaming, and Education?

West, D. (2012, 04 24). How blogs, social media, and video games improve education . Retrieved from 

Here is a short article from about social networking and it's effects on education. Pretty short but it talks about the good points on how blogs, wikis, and social networking in general has improved peer-to-peer reviews. Instead of having one person inside the classroom reading what you wrote, you can post it on Facebook and ask all your friends to peer review it, or post it as a blog. Then there is the teachers and professors making blogs themselves, some teachers would probably use blogs to post important class notes. Also here is a very good example of a way of using facebook that contributes to education and also random facts, about science.
There are many innovative ways in using the social networking sites for educational use, just most people don't use it in such a way. 

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