Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Police using social media to catch criminals.

Steve, M. and Joseph, K. (2013, April 14). Social media sites a treasure trove for police. Retrieved from http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/social-media-sites-a-treasure-trove-for-police-1.1472634 

 Here is a very interesting article that I found about social media; according to thetimes-tribune.com police and law enforcement are using social media such as Facebook and twitter to sniff out criminals. This goes to show that people now are more apt to sharing their personal life online that some content may be connected to a theft or a much more serious crime that has happened recently. And not only theft and other major crimes but also probation violators are sometimes caught on social networking sites breaking their probation. Such a case is mentioned on the article of a man who was forbidden to own firearms had posted picture onto his Facebook of him and his five year old son holding rifles. Times-tribune also talks about the so called "dark side" of social networking and the term is perfectly correct for it. Many fights have started on social networking sites such as Facebook. These fights can sometimes lead to fatal injuries or death and what started it was just some post on a social networking site. This article is a very interesting read, as a person who uses Facebook people do post things without thinking.

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