Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Addiction

This picture shows a lot about how our daily lives are spent mostly in front of a computer. 90% of the time we are probably on a social media website at least once per day or even worse all the time. The addiction of social media is not a laughing matter, there are those who are totally addicted to facebook that it distracts them from work, school and even family life. As a society we must learn how to have self control over how much social media we are suppose to use. There are addons and many other productivity programs that people use now in order to lock themselves out of any social media site. This goes to show how bad it has gotten to many, if one must lock his/herself out of a social media website then they know they've been using it too much. The video is a firefox addon called leechblock; one of the many programs people can use to block social media websites.

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